Category: Dental Office Tips

Increasing Efficiency in the Dental Office

Time equals profitability in the dental office, as more efficient procedures will lead to more patients being scheduled throughout the day. But dentists don’t have to shorten face-to-face time with patients or rush through procedures to make this possible. There are a few ways that dentists can make their offices operate more efficiently. Plan for More […]

Caring for Dental Patients with Special Needs

Caring for dental patients with special needs is something that every dentist needs to be prepared for. It takes a certain bit of experience and the right equipment to effectively treat patients who are limited either because of their mobility or because of cognitive or developmental disabilities. In 2010, The Census Bureau reported that about […]

Helping Patients with Dental Anxiety

Anxiety associated with dental appointments is a steadily rising phenomenon. In fact, dental anxiety is often closely associated with phobias like dentophobia or odontophobia. For many patients, the anxiety they feel when going to the dentist isn’t usually due to something that happened at your office. It’s most often caused by negative previous experiences, the […]



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