Category: Ergonomics

How Dental Professionals Can Mitigate Trigger Point Pain

Trigger points among dental professionals are common due to numerous risk factors, including mental stress, sustained muscle contraction, lack of movement, repetitive motions, poor body mechanics and ergonomics, and poor posture and body symmetry. Trigger points are among the most misunderstood sources of pain, but they are also one of the most common in dental […]

How Musculoskeletal Issues Affect Dental Hygienists

back pain

There are troubling numbers in the dental industry when it comes to pain management and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in dental hygienists. Research shows that MSDs are one of the most common causes of workplace-related injuries, making up over 30 percent of total cases. The same research notes that about 92 percent of all dental professionals […]



Are you one of 93% of dental operators suffering from musculoskeletal pain?


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Proven Methods for Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in Dental Operators