Category: Ergonomics
The Most Important Thing Dentists Can Do to Manage Their Pain
Plenty of studies have been done on pain in dentists over the years. While the methodologies of these studies have changed, one thing is certain: an overwhelming number of people in the dental field experience pain and discomfort because of their jobs. The prevalence of musculoskeletal issues among dentists is staggeringly high, with more than […]
The Top Causes of Pain in Dental Hygienists
As a dental hygienist, you know there’s no such thing as a pain-free day in the office! From the moment you step into the dental clinic, your body is bound to experience some discomfort. While occasional soreness and fatigue can be expected, there are some common causes of pain experienced by dental hygienists that can […]
The 4 Things That Cause Back Pain in Dentists
Studies show that 70 percent of dentists suffer from back pain. This is a staggering number and one of the top issues in dentistry today. Becoming a dentist has many benefits, but it also has its risks. Back pain is one of them, but what causes it? It turns out that there are four major […]
How Dental Professionals Can Mitigate Trigger Point Pain
Trigger points among dental professionals are common due to numerous risk factors, including mental stress, sustained muscle contraction, lack of movement, repetitive motions, poor body mechanics and ergonomics, and poor posture and body symmetry. Trigger points are among the most misunderstood sources of pain, but they are also one of the most common in dental […]
What Causes Arm Pain in Dental Providers?
Dental hygienists and dentists are exposed to prolonged and awkward postures that can lead to painful arm and shoulder conditions. These professionals often work for extended periods, lean over patients, and use their hands repeatedly to probe hard surfaces. The repetitive nature of these tasks can lead to various arm-related issues, which can lead to […]
How Dentists Can Avoid and Eliminate Neck Pain
Working in the dental field can be rewarding. However, it can have its fair share of challenges. One of the issues dentists and hygienists often face is chronic neck pain. It’s part of the job, but it doesn’t have to be something debilitating. If it is left unchecked, musculoskeletal issues in the neck can lead […]
Ergonomic Risk Factors That Cause Pain in Dentists
There are several ergonomic risk factors that exist in the field of dentistry. Few dentists go through their entire career without experiencing some type of musculoskeletal issue. Pain in the neck, back, hips, shoulders, and wrists are all too common. Dentists worldwide have faced a growing problem of work-related musculoskeletal disorders such as carpal tunnel […]
Simple Posture Corrections for Dental Professionals
Every dentist soon learns that their practice comes with a certain level of pain and discomfort. The practice itself requires dentists and hygienists to maintain static, uncomfortable positions for long periods of time. You get into the optimal treatment position, hold steady, and work, regardless of what it does to your body. This often involves […]
Addressing the Comfort Gap in Modern Dental Chairs
Are your dental chairs making patients uncomfortable? While the design of dental chairs has evolved over the years, the number of people who actually enjoy and look forward to going to the dentists has not. Comfort plays a large role in this, and patient discomfort can negatively impact their level of anxiety during dental treatment. […]
How Musculoskeletal Issues Affect Dental Hygienists
There are troubling numbers in the dental industry when it comes to pain management and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in dental hygienists. Research shows that MSDs are one of the most common causes of workplace-related injuries, making up over 30 percent of total cases. The same research notes that about 92 percent of all dental professionals […]